Getting into the last stretch of the Remix Challenge! Which outfits are your favorites? Out of this batch, my favorites are 11, 12 and 16 -- just because they included some of my favorite pieces and were so comfortable.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Outfits 10-18 in the Remix Challenge
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
athens ga fashion,

Skirt: Ann Taylor, thrifted;
Tights: Hue;
Boots: Target;
Headband: Target;
Trench: Banana Republic, gift from mom.
This is the story of a girl who:
- was going for a Blair Waldorf-Meets-Alice-in-Wonderland look in her 18th outfit for the 30 for 30 Remix Challenge;
- wanted to wear her neon orange tights that she got on super sale over the summer, and has been patiently waiting to pull them out ever since;
- felt pretty darn perfect until she got to her usual outdoor photo spot;
- and nearly got blown away by the wind storm;
- and then realized how un-photogenic this outfit looked when it was mussed;
- nearly froze to death because she has no idea what 'freezing' is until it comes because of her town's (usually) mild winters;
- is probably going to get this skirt altered after the Remix Challenge because it is now way too big;
- found a red wall during the last five minutes at the park and realized it would just have to do.
Yeesh. Hoping tomorrow will be a better day, outfit-wise, weather-wise and photo-wise.
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
ann taylor,
athens ga fashion,
banana republic,
carpet saddle bag,

Monday, November 29, 2010
Sweater: LOFT;
Top: BR, gift from Marilou;
Leather skirt: Old Navy, thrifted;
Tights: Hue;
Carpet saddle bag: thrifted;
Boots: Target.
Photos of me by Jeremiah.
Photos of me by Jeremiah.
After the whirlwind Thanksgiving week Jeremiah and I had, Sunday called for some downtime. We walked around downtown and snapped some photos of our favorite haunts while I happily sipped on some Coke Zero (which actually matched my outfit). Having a blog has made me more fearless with taking photos in public places. I've had this mural behind a restaurant in my mind for outfit shots, and this is the first time I've actually incorporated it.
I've gotten quite a bit of wear out of this leather skirt in the 30 for 30 Remix Challenge. It's become a staple in my closet for sure.
Any surprise closet staples come out of the Remix Challenge for you?
Any surprise closet staples come out of the Remix Challenge for you?
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
ann taylor loft,
athens ga fashion,
banana republic,
carpet saddle bag,
old navy,

Dress (as top): LOFT;
Belt: LOFT;
Sweater: Faded Glory;
Leather skirt: Old Navy (thrifted);
Tights: Hue;
Carpet saddle bag: thrifted;
Carpet saddle bag: thrifted;
Boots: Target.
I spent the last few days with Jeremiah's family for the Thanksgiving holidays, and didn't do very much. No photo-taking, no Internet, no blog-related stuff. It was so very relaxing. Though it kind of sucks because I wore so many outfits based on items in the 30 for 30 Remix Challenge, and now I'll have to just rewear them again! Jeremiah and I just spent a lot of time watching movies, eating and hanging out with family. We originally had plans to go Black Friday shopping (which I'm usually down for), but we ended up making tons of food for our football tailgate instead. It's going to be hard to get back into a normal routine after this week...
Being back near our old home turf meant that I had time for two things: the farm park and the Salvation Army. I actually broke my shopping ban and bought some vintage stuff for myself. I don't feel that bad about it, actually: I've been conservative about shopping the last few months, and I get few opportunities to go to my favorite (cheap!) vintage haunts anyways, so I considered this a big enough deal to break the 30 for 30 shopping ban. I got three vintage dresses, one Ann Taylor blouse and some Bongo gladiator wedges, all for $17 total! Sometimes I have my awesome Mozart moments when it comes to thrift shopping.
I did get some time to visit the farm park. It was so strange to see the trees already barren and the fields empty. I took the opportunity to take photos near my favorite spots -- the fence by the cabin and under the long bridge. I got a chance to wear my 16th outfit for the 30 for 30 Remix Challenge, and really liked the mix of reds and florals with the leather skirt. My Hue tights have been one of the best buys I've gotten in a long time -- they were $2 a pair over the summer at the mall, and I've worn them almost nonstop since the weather turned.
I did make a friend at the farm park:
This wild stag snuck up on me while I was walking to the cabin! We both stared at each other for a second, and then I backed up to the field and started snapping photos. He took a turn around the cabin and then jumped a few fences into the forest, where he chased a doe. I later saw them walking together slowly in the woods. I was the only one around to witness it too, so it made for a very surreal and beautiful time there.
How was your weekend?
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
ann taylor loft,
athens ga fashion,
carpet saddle bag,
faded glory,
farm park,
old navy,

Friday, November 26, 2010
Quarter past the hour
Dress: Banana Republic;
Sweater: Target;
Necklace: Thrifted;
Belt: Highland & Ponce,
Calivintage giveaway;
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
athens ga fashion,
highland and ponce,
thrifted find

Thursday, November 25, 2010
In a fortnight
Dress: Hannah Hardy, vintage, thrifted;
Sweater: Faded Glory;
Belt: LOFT;
Carpet saddle bag: vintage, thrifted;
Bracelet: Aloha Stadium, Honolulu, HI;
Shoes: Minnetonka, gift.
This outfit is from last Sunday afternoon -- just something simple to wear to grab some pizza with Jeremiah. I've been wanting to dress down this lacy body-con dress for awhile, so I countered it with a drapey sweater and some earthy accessories.
I've had so much busyness in the last couple of weeks that this holiday will be a much-needed bit of relaxation.
I'm over visiting with family for the rest of the week. For my American readers, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm feeling pretty grateful for a lot of things in my life right now, including this incredible and supportive blogging community.
What are you feeling thankful for these days?
What are you feeling thankful for these days?
Pass the mashed potatoes,
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
30 for 30,
aloha stadium,
ann taylor loft,
athens ga fashion,
carpet saddle bag,
faded glory,
hannah hardy,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sponsorships available for the holiday season
I'm now taking sponsorships for the newly-improved Sidewalk Chic for the holiday season and beyond! Want to promote your small business or large company? I have customizable rates, and am open to giveaways, sponsor spotlights, reviews, etc. Interested? E-mail me at childhood(dot)chalk(at)gmail(dot)com. I look forward to working with you!
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
athens ga fashion,

Baker's dozen
Shirt: Arizona Jeans Co., thrifted;
Dress: French Connection;
Scarf: H&M;
Boots, tights: Target;
Belt: LOFT.
Dress: French Connection;
Scarf: H&M;
Boots, tights: Target;
Belt: LOFT.
I'm so glad many of you enjoyed my first ever Reader Showcase! Reading through it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling --- it's a joyful thing when you see so many people embrace who they are. I hope to do many more Reader Showcases in the future!
Anyways, on to daily style. When I wore this last week, I felt like a walking Valentine with all the reds, whites and pinks. I really wanted to dress down my bridal dress and dress up my plaid shirt. I got both done with this outfit. It was pretty comfortable to wear at work too -- extra bonus!
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
ann taylor loft,
arizona jeans co,
athens ga fashion,
french connection,
h and m,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Reader Showcase: Your favorite photos
For my first-ever Reader Showcase, I asked for you all to submit your favorite photo of yourself. Whether it was a memorable event, a favorite outfit or a beloved time in your life, many of you had beautiful pictures to share.
Putting this together was a wonderful experience. In a world that often focuses on faults in women's appearances, it was rare and refreshing to see so many embrace who they are. Below are stories of self-love, confidence and personal triumphs:
Putting this together was a wonderful experience. In a world that often focuses on faults in women's appearances, it was rare and refreshing to see so many embrace who they are. Below are stories of self-love, confidence and personal triumphs:
Sophi, Oh So Sophi
This is my favorite photo of me for a few reasons. My eyes have always been my favorite physical feature of mine, and I think this picture really shows off their cool yellow sunbursts. That said, I've always been insecure about the asymmetry of my face, which definitely comes across in this photograph. I think it wasn't until I took this photo that I made peace with my imperfections. At first, I loved the photograph, but hated how I looked. Then I realized that not only am I probably the only one who notices them, those quirks are also what gives my face character. And, gosh, how could you not love beautiful fall leaves and light?
Elena, Caffeinerd
The attached photo is the first one that came to mind. It was taken right after I moved to Milwaukee in August. I feel like it captured a moment of utter giddiness. I had just finished my Master's degree, moved in with my boyfriend in Milwaukee, and was about to start a new job. On this particular night Adam and I had been to a (very decadent!) wine/cheese tasting at the local market, and I couldn't resist picking up an Eiffel Tower shaped chocolate for the walk home. I just remember feeling silly, happy, and like my "grown-up" life was finally starting. Liking the outfit doesn't hurt, either!
Posted by
Sidewalk Chic
athens ga fashion,
favorite photo,
reader showcase,
reader submissions

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