Thursday, March 31, 2011

The pretty little patter of a seaboard town

 Dress: Liz Claiborne, thrifted; Belt: Ann Taylor Loft;
 Shoes: Minnetonka; Flower crown: DIY by me.
Listening to: "Down by the water," The Decemberists.

I've been starting the last couple of posts with apologies for not blogging as much. I've had to take a break several times this month because of technological breakdowns -- my laptop, camera and television all died within the same week, and Jeremiah and I have spent every free weekend looking to replace them. It's been hard, because not being connected has left me feeling out of the loop by not being able to keep up with my  inbox, my friendships and my photography. Things have started to look up finally this week, though -- we just got my new laptop in the mail, so here's my foot back in, and  I am excited to getting back to a regular, consistent schedule.

While I was away, I did indulge in some DIY projects --- floral crowns! I am in love with the bohemian hair look -- I even used a floral wreath in my own wedding, and so I've been wanting to make some for awhile. I used this easy tutorial from Bleubird Vintage, and eventually made four of them with different flowers. The whole project was pretty cheap -- about $10 with supplies from Michael's -- and the only addendum I would add to the tutorial is that I had an easier time using silk leaves and smaller flowers. I couldn't get bulb-shaped flowers (like tulips) to work for me, but I'll try with more practice. I'm so excited about these, and plan on wearing them a lot this summer!

It feels so long, so tell me: how have you guys been? 

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